A javascript framework is an essential tool that helps web developers save time and energy when building their own websites or applications. It also enables front-end developers to add their own style and unique elements to the application without having to write the entire application from scratch.
JavaScript is a popular programming language that combines the power of functional, event-driven and robust (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles to deliver fast, flexible and responsive user experiences across browsers and devices. However, it can be difficult to choose the right javascript framework for your project. This is especially true when considering the size and complexity of your web app or website and the experience of your development team.
The best javascript framework for your project depends on several factors including the size and complexity of your project, the needs of your audience and your developer’s experience. For example, if your business requires complex functionality or real-time functionality, it’s better to go with a more robust framework rather than one that’s simple and easy to use.
Depending on the type of web application you’re developing, there are many different JavaScript frameworks to choose from. Each one offers distinct benefits and features that can help you create an even more powerful web app or website.
Backbone is one of the most well-known and used JavaScript frameworks for creating a web application or mobile app. It was created in 2010 and has a wide variety of features that are incredibly useful for delivering user-friendly and organized development.
Bootstrap is another popular JavaScript framework that focuses on responsive design to ensure your information is accessible from any device. It has pre-built HTML and CSS templates for forms, buttons, navigation, tables, modals and other components that allow developers to quickly create high-performing and scalable SPAs or Single Page Applications.
Aurelia is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript framework that enables you to develop responsive web applications for desktops, tablets and smartphones. It focuses on aligning web specifications with convention instead of configuration, and it has features such as automatic DOM updates and asynchronous loading to optimize resource usage.
Another highly popular front-end JavaScript framework is Angular, which was introduced in 2010. Its major advantages include support for data binding and a JSON-based processor. It also allows for if conditions, loops and local variables to program how the web page’s content will render.
The biggest advantage of Angular is its ability to create cross-platform web apps and mobile apps that are compatible with multiple devices. It’s built on a microservices architecture that makes it easy to deploy your application on the server or in the browser.
Polymer is a Google-backed open-source JavaScript front-end library that enables developers to build high-quality, customizable and feature-rich web pages and applications. It supports one-way and two-way data binding and enables the creation of rich, interactive and user-friendly applications.
Svelte JS is another free JavaScript framework that is lightweight and allows for simple and clean development. It doesn’t use virtual DOM and works at build time, making it easy to build reusable code that can be reused across different websites.